I’m exited. My phone consultation service has gone over very well.
To the many that have completed one with me, I thank you.
To the personal trainers and health club owners that are thinking about scheduling a phone consult with me, I thank you too.
My advice though is to of course stop waiting.
Hey, it doesn’t even have to be me that you get help from. Just hurry up and pick someone to mentor you.
I remember a while back when many of my followers kept emailing me and Facebook messaging me saying, “I need your help Mark! When can we talk?”
I was so elated to let them know the wait was over.
I worked like crazy for months getting everything set up on my web page, writing my new E-Book, trying to keep up with my blog, and of course training clients 40+ hours a week.
I did this, because it’s my passion. It’s my passion to help this industry.
I want nothing more than for you to experience what I have for 18 years and counting. No fear. Happiness. Oh, and a lot more money. ; )
I have written and shared well over 100 pages of FREE information pertaining to everything outside of the science side of personal training since late January of 2015.
This information has been very well received.
I’ve been told by so many that my non-sugar coated approach is exactly what this industry needs.
This of course is my intention.
I grew so tired of watching good personal trainers quit. So much fear. No one to help them.
Many trainers continue to jump on the internet and listen to arrogant fitness guru “expert” bloggers telling them how dumb they are.
That their lack of scientific knowledge is why there is so much failure in the industry.
“Experts” screaming that trainers don’t even know how to teach the almighty Turkish Get Up, or that they have no clue about gluten sensitivity.
Hopefully you have realized that issues such as those aren’t the reason that trainers are dropping like flies.
Personal trainers are failing, because they’re training the wrong people. People that can’t afford personal training. People that trainers can’t retain no matter how great their service is.
This then leads to no results for the client, no referrals, no business growth, fear, depression, time to find a new job.
Thanks to so many consistently sharing my writing, my PTB blog following grows at a very fast rate.
Earlier in 2016, even with my following growing so fast, I felt that my blog wasn’t doing enough for my readers.
It’s very real overly honest information coming from probably the most experienced personal trainer you’ll find, but many trainers and club owners wanted more and continue to want and need more from me personally.
Hence all the emails and messages I receive…
Reading from my blog has helped a lot of trainers and club owners, but hearing the confidence, excitement, and passion in my voice takes my marketing strategies to a new level.
With that in mind I decided to offer phone consultations.
So what is an hour like on the phone with Mark Ruehle, a self-employed personal trainer for 18 years and counting? What will be talked about?
Well, the hour flies by that’s for sure, because the conversation is filled with excitement, positivity, and passion for the personal training industry. Any and every problem you are facing is addressed and fixed.
Honestly, you are in charge of the topics that we cover in that hour.
I of course will suggest topics like how to easily nab perfect clients that will literally pay you forever, and how to fill all those horrible gaps in your schedule so you don’t have to work until 8:00 at night. So you can have freedom in your life.
Because I’ve been in the industry for almost 20 years, I’ve witnessed and heard everything. I mean everything.
There’s no problem or issue that will shock me, or that I won’t be able to help you fix.
In other words, throw everything you can at me. Even how to become self-employed.
Do you want to learn more about my phone consultations? You’ll be happy if you did. You’ll be happy to watch and listen to my little speech that I share too.
I thought it was ok, but my business manager loves it. He thinks that it really depicts who I am. That it shows my passion for the industry, and how much I want to help you.
Well, it’s true. I’m very passionate, (I hope you can tell) and I want nothing more than to help you make more money, so you can stay in this business. So you can sleep at night.
The video also shows that I know exactly what you’re going through as a personal trainer.
Just head here —> Personal Training Biz and get excited.
Get excited, because there’s actually someone out there that understands what you’re dealing with.
Someone that will tell you the truth. Someone that’s actually done the job, and continues to do so. Someone that isn’t going to insult your intelligence by telling how to train people, but instead will make sure you make a lot more money so you stay in business.
That way you can continue to share all of your knowledge and passion with the correct people, because unlike what all the “expert” gurus are saying, you are a good trainer. You are smart.
You just need a little help getting the right clients. Let me show you how easy it can be.
Oh, and when you book a call with me, you will receive my newest E-Book for FREE.
It’s a big one. It’s around 50 pages.
It’s titled Successful Marketing Strategies Used By Six-Figure Earning Personal Trainers, and of course focuses on HOW to go after and get the high end wealthy successful clients that I keep pushing you to market to.
You’ll also receive six of the exact templates/blueprints I used over the years to nab my high end clients. You could literally copy them word for word and use them as your own.
By reading this E-Book and putting the information to use, you will quickly become the KNOWN personal trainer in your city.
Just like my last E-Book, this new one will also ruffle some feathers because of my typical non-sugar coated content.
What can I say? Some people don’t like hearing the TRUTH.
We all need mentors if we want to be truly successful. If we want to stay driven.
We as personal trainers mentor people everyday. Who mentors us? Well, I have several. I would be honored to be yours.
Again, click here —> Personal Training Biz now and watch my short passionate video, and have all of your questions answered. You should be slightly motivated when it’s over, fully believing that you have a bright future as a personal trainer.
Stop waiting for someone else to grow your following. End your fears and learn how to market your personal training business yourself. It’s on you. Click the link now, and let me teach you.
Thank you so much, talk soon.
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