Keeping your clients feeling safe during their workouts goes a long way. Do your clients feel safe? Do you give them that “warm fuzzy feeling?” ; ) In all seriousness spotting your clients is very important. Some of you are like, “Dude! Duh!” But wow do I see a ton of personal trainers standing 5-10 feet away from their client with their arms folded while their clients workout. Maybe even arms unfolded texting… I sure hope it was one of those important texts letting your mom know that you’ll pick up a bottle of ketchup on the way home. All the while some scared out of their mind intimidated first timer female attempts an incline chest fly with 15 lb. dumbbells that she had to retrieve for herself. Terrified that she won’t be able to stop the weights as they head south… Come on guys, get your ass over there and guide her movement. You should have handed the weights to her too ya lazy bum. “But Mark she has to learn to do this on her own because she only bought 6 half hour sessions through out amazing club special we just ran. Buy 3 get 3 free.” Ohhhhh Lord…
Ya know, making your clients feel safe is the least you can do. It just shows that you actually give a crap. That you’re there for them. It’s a confidence thing for them. One of the first topics I always would discuss with a new client was to reassure them that my top priority was to make sure they executed the exercises correctly and safely. “Nobody gets hurt on my watch!” I’d say. It’s a great selling point for potential clients that are first timers in the gym, especially females and the elderly. You have no idea how great you will look in their eyes even before your first session together, because you eased their mind and ended their biggest fear right off the bat.
I still spot clients I’ve had for over 5 years. Almost every rep. Even my college athletes. I still hand them their dumbbells, and more than not I re-rack them too. Your clients will always perform better with you nearby. The spotting, along with your encouraging words and coaching on almost every rep will definitely up the value of your service. Sometimes it’s the “little things” that stand out the most in the service industry. Results are of course #1, but all the extras are what will get you referral after referral. Clients will like you if you get them results, but they’ll love you if tend to their every need, and make them feel like they’re the only person in the room.
Again, many of you will tell me that it’s good for your clients to learn to do the exercises on their own, because they won’t workout with you forever, or that they can’t afford to workout with you very often. And that you generally just give them their dreaded “homework” for later. Seriously? Homework? I want my clients to rely on me. I don’t want my clients to want to workout on their own, or even think they can workout on their own. I never worry about their future and only cater to their immediate needs, so that their session (experience) is something they never want to miss out on. That’s why I only market to wealthy/successful people, because I want clients that will likely never quit my service due to lack of money, lack of time, or lack of support from others.
My tactic of marketing to people that can afford my service must be “secret” information or something. I say this because in almost 20 years in this business I’ve never witnessed anyone using it or heard anyone talking about it. It’s funny though, because when I bring it up to a trainer or a club owner, they’re like, “Well yeah, that’s the way to do it Mark. I really need to go that route too. It makes total sense.” Most won’t follow through though, because of fear. Make sure you’re one of the few that does.
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