What happened to you? The old you?
What happened to that happy and driven personal trainer that everyone fell in love with? The one that wanted to change the world.
I know what happened. I’ve seen it many times.
Actually, I can’t tell you how many times in my 19 years and counting as a personal trainer where I have witnessed a trainer go from hero to zero in a matter of 3 months.
All the pressure. All the fear. No one to help you.
In the beginning, all you cared about was helping people and working out.
You had this dream of spending your days in the club surrounded by like minded people. Studying your ass off with every free minute you had. Talking shop with the other new and young trainers, trying to find the best way to help everyone on the planet.
All you wanted to do was share your knowledge and your passion. You worked crazy long hours, and you actually liked it. You felt accomplished. You felt like you were making a difference.
Believe me, you were making a difference. You probably still are, but most personal trainers are going through hell right now.
I would like nothing more than to help you. It’s my turn to give back.
How are you handling sitting through all the waste of time sales meetings working on role playing? Ya know… Learning how to beg people for money.
The pressure of “selling” is killing you isn’t it?
Did having to “sell” after the club stopped handing you clients, because a new trainer was hired start to slowly bring you down?
“We have to learn to CLOSE THE SALE guys! We have to up our CLOSING RATES!”
Not sure why every single health club owner insists on those garbage meetings. No wonder personal trainers hate the business side of the industry.
If only the owners knew that if clubs and trainers marketed to wealthy and successful people, and stopped devaluing personal training by constantly running “specials,” the almighty closing rates would be almost 100%.
If you missed my post on why I hate role playing meetings, you can read it here. Role Playing Sales Meetings Are Dumb!
Maybe share this with your club owner. Just print it out and slide it under their office door and run. ; )
Some personal trainers are killing it in this biz. Sadly most aren’t. I’m sorry, but there’s no denying this.
As I’ve stated in many of my blog posts, statistics are showing that 80% of personal trainers quit within two years. This proves things aren’t going well for most.
Another question.
How did your downward spiral start?
Did you just wake up one day and feel burnt out? Feeling that all of your hard work wasn’t paying off, because you weren’t making any “real” money.
Zero freedom in your life.
Your passion gone.
Hating being at the club so much, that your own workouts actually suffer.
Just trying to get through the day…
The only time you spent at the club was when you had a client.
What happened was that in the midst of your studying, working crazy hours, and catering to everyone’s every need, YOU forgot to take care of YOU.
The honest truth is that you didn’t have anyone to turn to for guidance. You probably still don’t.
More than likely, the PT Director doesn’t have any real experience either, and it’s his or her job to just get you to keep selling.
“Just keep grinding. Just talk to people,” they’d say. Wow! Thought provoking…
And the club owner often doesn’t bat an eye at your depression, because you don’t show it at the club.
You fly high all day hosting party after party smiling and laughing, because you feel that your clients deserve it.
The kicker is that most, if not all health club owners have never been a personal trainer, but they sure act like they know how to sell it and market it.
I sure wish that more club owners will swallow their pride. I wish they’d get some help from someone that’s actually done the job.
“If health club owners would understand that a happy, well compensated personal trainer is their absolute #1 marketing tool, there would be so much less turnover in our industry.” -Me
For me it’s easy. Well not easy, but easier. This is because I CHOSE my clients.
Hosting hour long parties 8-10 hours a day is much easier when you like the party guest. Especially when they have been coming to your parties 2-4 times a week for years and years. Giving you unbelievable b-day and X-Mas gifts. And raises. Just because. Just because they really really like you.
Why? Because they train with you 2-4 days a week. They fell “in love” with you. You got them results quickly, because they could afford to workout with you often.
This is why I tell all trainers to market their service to the wealthy/successful. Simply, everything is just better if you follow my advice and do this. Let me teach you how.
You’ll have no stress about no show clients, because wealthy/successful clients hardly ever miss a session.
They are wealthy and successful, because they’ve always worked hard at everything they do. Working out with you will be no different.
No stress about your schedule, because the wealthy and the successful have freedom in their life to workout during the day.
And finally no stress about money. Wealthy/successful clientele will continue to pay and never quit. As long as you do a good job, as I know you will.
You’ll do a good job, because you’ll be happy. Your passion for this industry will return. This will make you a better personal trainer.
Thank you for reading.
It is truly amazing how fast PTB is growing. It’s because of people like you showing your passion to learn in this industry by sharing my writing. I really appreciate this.
Thanks again, talk soon.
P.S. Head to PTB Consulting to schedule a phone consultation with me, or to pick up my 50-page eBook titled Successful Marketing Strategies Used By Six-Figure Earning Personal Trainers.
Make more money by easily learning how to market yourself to high-end clients like the ones I’ve been training for years and years, instead of relying on the health club to give you low quality clients.
Again, just click here —> PTB Consulting now. Why wait? End your fears and worries by adding certainty to your business and your life. Let me teach you everything I’ve learned in the past almost 20 years as a self-employed personal trainer.
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