What’s wrong with the personal training industry? Will there always be this huge turnover rate of 80% quitting within two years? Why aren’t many personal trainers making any money? When is it going to get better? Will it?

When will more personal trainers and health club owners figure out what the real problem is?         

So I’ve been mentoring coaches since early 2015, and my following has grown steadily. This is mostly because I have a very smart and supportive following. My followers read, watch, and share my content. I’m very thankful for this. 🤗

With the response that I get, my content seems to be hitting home with most personal trainers and club owners. At least the ones that want to hear the TRUTH.   

I receive so much feedback from so many via email, Facebook message, and PM telling me how Personal Training Biz is totally changing their thought process in the industry of personal training. This makes me very happy.

I just want to make a difference, and give back to this amazing industry. I want nothing more than for personal trainers to make more money, so they can stay in the job they love.  

Ya know communication skills are at an all time low. Punctuality doesn’t seem to matter. And appearance? Well let’s just say nothing shocks me anymore. 😳  

Are these three issues the leading causes of failure in the personal training field? Absolutely not, but for some reason a few “experts” think they need to be addressed and talked about ad nauseam.   

Club owners and PT directors shouldn’t ever have to tell trainers to speak clearly, smile, be on time, or to stop wearing wrinkled clothes. They shouldn’t even be issues, and are things people should have learned when they were 10 years old.   

That’s why I won’t speak very much about those types of issues. They are a waste of time, because if trainers can’t handle things like giving a firm handshake, then absolutely nothing I say will help them.

Thankfully, these issues get fixed quite quickly and easily when your clients are a certain type.   

Hopefully you have noticed a trend in much of my content. I preach and preach for all personal trainers to go after a certain type of client.

A type of client that won’t require you to be the “perfect sales person,” because they don’t have the famous three objections (time, money, support) that low quality clients have. A type of client that will pay more, and rightly so, expect more out of you.   

This of course makes you an even better personal trainer than you already are, because you will always be on your toes trying to exceed their expectations. Why? Because they will soon send you their friends and family who like them, will pay you more.   

These people will pay you what you’re worth so you can have the worry free days like I have had for 22 years. Knowing that these clients will train with you 2-5 days a week every week for years and years. Knowing that you can stop offering those unfavorable training deals and specials that the club insists on. 

Along with filling all those horrendous gaps in your schedule so you can actually have a life outside the gym. 

Maybe see your significant other before 8:00 every night. Maybe coach your child’s ball team. Maybe be truly happy. 

Again, some will call me pompous or greedy or whatever. I don’t care. 😉 You WILL care more about everything that your job entails if your clients pay you more, and see you more often.  

Would it bother you if you were late for a client that bought six HALF PRICE sessions and only schedules two sessions a month with you? 

Be honest. Will you really be at your best for $15.00? Probably not.   

And if you are one of those morally perfect personal trainers shaking your head in disbelief reading this, STOP IT. Stop lying to yourself. You will not work as hard for clients that aren’t committed to you.        

Still, to my chagrin, most of the industry still feels that SCIENCE is the problem. That the majority of personal trainers are uneducated. That this is leading to the huge turnover rate of 80% of trainers quitting within two years. 

This couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, there are some scientifically bad personal trainers out there, but most are quite educated.   

There’s never been a time where we as personal trainers have had this much scientifically researched information at our disposal. So, how can SCIENCE be the problem? It can’t.   

In 22 years as a personal trainer, I’ve met many many personal trainers. Too many to count. I can honestly say that of those trainers, 75% know their stuff. They are quite educated.  

And yet a minimum of 50% aren’t in the industry anymore. Why? It wasn’t because they were bad trainers scientifically. They just weren’t training the right people. 

This of course led to them not making any consistent money. Then came the doubt and the fear. Their passion gone.   

The only tips they could find were from some blogger that said they “USED TO BE” a super successful personal trainer telling them to get an 8th certification, because two or three or even seven just isn’t enough, or from some club owner giving the ultimate tip of, “Just go talk to more people.” Wonderful. My favorite tip. I’m sure you’ve heard it. 🤣    

Have you read the blog post out there lately that gives personal trainers like 461 tips to be successful? Well, it’s not actually that high of a number, but it sure feels like it. 

I think it’s actually around 100 tips, but never the less, wow! I mean 90% of them are insulting to our intelligence. Tips like speak slowly and practice what you preach. I laughed so hard reading through much of the list.   

I’m not trying to be a jerk, because I know the writer is trying to help, but come on. If you take my advice and go after the certain clientele I speak about, you won’t have to worry about all the garbage advice out there. 

Ignore distractions during sessions? Be positive? Clean up your weights? Have a lot of energy? Really? SMH…    

There’s no reason for you to worry about all that garbage advice. I mean seriously. None of it fixes the real problems you’re facing.  

Will someone telling you to look a person in the eye when speaking, or to make sure to always be on time going to help you get the right clients? Ones that will keep paying? 

Most of the advice out there is coming from people that were personal trainers for only a very short time, and now they’re all the sudden an expert.   

If you market your service to the right people, you won’t have to worry about anything, because you are already a scientifically good personal trainer. 

Yes, keep studying. Keep educating yourself. My point is, why not attain clients that will truly appreciate you by committing long term to you? This of course will get them amazing results quickly and get you amazing referrals quickly.    

The real problem in this industry lies on the BUSINESS side. 

There are so many brilliant personal trainers in the world with no clients. Scared to death of sales.  

Many of these trainers have already quit, and are now stuck in a cubicle answering the phone wearing khakis and a polo, praying that they get a 50 cent raise at their yearly review. All that knowledge and passion wasted…   

This of course happened because no one is teaching the BUSINESS side of personal training. 

Well, I’m lying. Like I mentioned earlier there are a few “experts” teaching you to take a shower daily and to whiten your teeth. Brilliant.   

I on the other hand will continue to tell you the TRUTH on how to make it and make it big as a personal trainer. I will tell you who you should specifically market your service to, why you should market to them, and how to simply do it.  

My personal training BUSINESS knowledge comes from 22 years and counting of real experience. I made it into the top 15% of annual income for personal trainers for a reason. I don’t just train anyone. I only train the right people. I choose my clients. They don’t choose me.               

If you have been following me for a little while, you know that there’s well over 100 pages of free information included in my blog, my success letter, and in my first eBook. But I think you need more from me.  

With that in mind, I decided to offer phone consultations. That way I can be much more specific with each personal trainer. I want to get to know you, and devise a simple plan for you.   

My emails and every day posts have wonderful advice for everyone, but you may have a special situation that needs special attention.

I want to hear your story. I want you to hear and feel my passion for this business. It will help your mindset immediately. I want you to get off the phone fired up, because I took away your fear.   

I want nothing more than to give all of you the knowledge that I have attained in the last 22 years as a personal trainer. 

I’m tired of the turnover in this industry. I want to make sure that you don’t add to it. 

You won’t believe how much information you will get from an hour+ with me. You will be amazed at how easy it is to be truly successful as a personal trainer.    

Listen, in 22 years I’ve never once thought about quitting. Why? Because I love my job. 

Why do I love my job? Because I have no fear about my future. 

I have no fear, because I chose the right clients. Let me show you how I did this. How I was able to train perfect clients. How I’ve kicked ass in this industry for so long.   

Have you read my blog post Own The Room? It’s one of my top five most popular, because this article describes the dream job you thought you were signing up for, and how you want to be perceived.  

You can still have that. You can dominate your market, and be “THE TRAINER” in your city. All you have to do is take my advice. Advice that isn’t gimmicky or scary. You just have to get known. Let me show you how.          

I mean seriously. Do you really want people to just stumble upon you and your service? Has going that route been working well for you?

Sure, you’ll take those clients, but why not get known? Why not become somewhat of a local celebrity so you can pick your clients?   

I admit, sometimes I get a little aggravated when I go out to dinner or to the store, and I get stopped by people that know me.

I’m not trying to be arrogant. I’m only describing what will happen when you start to really dominate your market and your city. When you become the personal trainer that everyone wants to work with.

You will lose some privacy in your life. Business wise it’s a great problem to have. Personally, not so much. 😉   

I was at a concert not that long ago, and in almost every direction I looked, people knew me. When I went to buy a beer or went to the bathroom LOL, people would recognize me. We would of course exchange pleasantries, and then the people they were with would ask who I am.   

Once you push the proverbial “red button” to get known in this industry, you’ll hardly have to try to build credibility. It will just happen.

Do a great job, show respect, and Own The Room. Do these things and others will market for you. Your name will spread. People will contact you. You will have to turn people down. I guarantee that I will make this happen for you.      

Ok wow, that was a long post. Thank you for taking the time to read it.  

I’m just so very excited that I continue to offer phone consultations. Many have reached out to me and wanted to talk specifically about their situation. 

Well, now here’s your chance to have me fix your specific problems in more detail. I guarantee that I’ll fix whatever issue or issues you may be having.

From getting more quality clients and making much more money, to fixing your schedule, to wanting to leave the club scene and become self-employed.   

So what are you waiting for? End your fears and take action. Assure yourself an unbelievably great future as a personal trainer. Take a huge leap and let a 22-year veteran self-employed personal trainer help you.    

Head to PTB Consulting right now to assure your time-slot with me.  

Since I’m still dedicating around 40 hours a week to personal training, my open time slots for phone consults will be quite small. Make sure to get yours reserved asap. Can’t wait to hear from you.  Thanks again, talk soon.

P.S. To clear up any confusion, there is an option to purchase my new 50 page eBook titled Successful Marketing Strategies Used By Six-Figure Earning Personal Trainers as a stand alone product. Just click here PTB Consulting  to get it.

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